Official List of Private Investigators in Geneva

In Geneva, the demand for private investigators, officially termed “Intermediary Agents,” continues to rise due to an increasing need for investigative and intelligence services. Whether it’s personal issues, business disputes, or protection against fraud, it’s essential to choose a private investigator licensed to operate legally in the canton of Geneva.

But where can one find this comprehensive list?

It is available on the official webpage of the Weapons, Private Security, and Explosives Brigade (BASPE) of the Geneva cantonal police. Indeed, this section continually updates information regarding licensed private detectives, making it accessible to all and available at any time.

If you’re looking to hire an investigation professional, this comprehensive list, which we will examine in detail, is an invaluable tool.

Where To Consult the List of Private Investigators in Geneva

To obtain the list of licensed private investigators in Geneva, visit the webpage of the Weapons, Private Security, and Explosives Brigade (BASPE) of the Geneva cantonal police.

Once you’re on their page, simply click on “Download the list of licensed female and male private detectives” to view this regularly updated official list.

You’ll notice reputable agencies like Seeclop, among others, are included. This ensures that the private detective you wish to entrust with your case is officially registered with the BASPE and the canton of Geneva.

However, don’t forget to read our guide on choosing the right private investigator in Switzerland. It will provide additional information and valuable tips to help you select the best private investigator for your specific situation, beyond just verifying their official registration.

Required documents for prospective private investigators to appear on the official list

To officially operate as a private detective, or Intermediary Agent, in Geneva, a candidate must submit several essential documents.

The candidate must first provide two recent, passport-sized color photographs. Their identity must be verified with a valid ID copy, complemented with a residence or border work permit if necessary. Proof of their legal residence and a history of their residencies over the past ten years are also needed.

Their background must also be transparent: a Swiss criminal record extract, complemented by an equivalent from each country where they resided in the past ten years, is required. These documents must be recent, no older than three months.

Their professional and personal history is also scrutinized. A detailed CV is required, along with a certificate of civil capacity or its foreign equivalent.

Financial stability is also examined. A debt record extract no older than three months and a bankruptcy office attestation are required, ensuring they haven’t recently faced a “Default of Assets” act.

If they reside in the canton of Geneva, a certificate of good moral character is requested. For those living outside the canton or abroad, an equivalent document is required.

Finally, for agents in business funds, proof of a CHF 10,000 bond is necessary.

All these administrative documents ensure the integrity and competence of anyone wishing to operate as an Intermediary Agent in Geneva.

Statistics on the List of Private Investigators in Geneva

Here are some statistics based on the official list of authorized private investigators. Last updated on 8/23/2023.

Male/Female private detectives* registered in the canton of Geneva:

* out of a total of 370 individuals.

Geographical Distribution

Considering the following data, it’s clear that registration locations aren’t necessarily based within the canton of Geneva.

LocationNumber of detectives
Le Grand-Saconnex5
Le Lignon5
Les Acacias5
Autres communes suisses106

Years with the highest number of registrations

YearNumber of registrations

Intermediary Agent: The Official Title for Private Investigators in Geneva

“Intermediary Agent” is the official term used in Geneva to refer to private detectives. Let’s see who this title refers to and what it encompasses exactly.

Private detective

In Geneva, private investigators are officially termed intermediary agents and are regulated by the BASPE.

A private detective’s duties can include surveillance, information gathering, investigating frauds, or family matters. Their goal is to obtain information and evidence for their clients.

Commercial information agent

A commercial information agent (official list) is also an intermediary agent specializing in collecting data on companies, competitors, or markets. This type of private detective provides strategic intelligence, allowing clients to make informed business, risk assessment, or investment decisions.

They analyze financial data, market trends, customer profiles, and other relevant aspects to assess a company’s stability, viability, and competitiveness.

Business fund agent

Lastly, a business fund agent (official list) is another type of intermediary agent specializing in evaluating, negotiating, and managing transactions related to business funds.

They might deal with assessing a business’s value, finding buyers, and negotiating business fund sale contracts.

A business fund agent works with companies of all sizes across various sectors, ensuring information confidentiality and working in their clients’ best interests to achieve desired outcomes.

In conclusion, whether it’s a private detective, commercial information agent, or business fund agent, Geneva’s intermediary agents are subject to regulations and must be authorized by local authorities.

Thus, it’s crucial to consult the official list of authorized intermediary agents before hiring them for a mission.

BASPE: The Reference Authority for the Canton of Geneva

The Weapons, Private Security, and Explosives Brigade (BASPE) is the reference authority for security companies and private detectives in Geneva. Operating under the Geneva cantonal police’s authority, it ensures compliance with rules and regulations in this sector.

Security businesses and private detectives must adhere to BASPE’s standards to operate in Geneva territory. This includes verifying employee qualifications and skills and obtaining necessary permissions.

It’s worth noting that BASPE conducts regular inspections of these companies to ensure they meet established standards and the current concordat. These checks also maintain a database of private security businesses and private detectives in the canton.

We hope this article has guided you in choosing a qualified professional licensed to operate as a private investigator in the canton of Geneva.

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